This course was my introduction to app coding and gave me a solid foundation of the SwiftUI language and development in Xcode. The thought that I would be able to code a fully-functioning app by the end of this course was very motivating and I looked forward to gaining a new skillset. I found it to be the most challenging course in my Emerging Media journey so far as the assignments increased in complexity as the semester went on. However, the final product of the apps I created were always rewarding. I'm most interested in learning more about UI/UX design and getting this experience in app development is sure to pay off in my future projects.

Midterm Project
Heaven Robinson Portfolio
Heaven Robinson Portfolio
For the midterm project, we were tasked with creating an app that is ambitious, polished, and usable, demonstrating everything we have learned so far about using Xcode and SwiftUI. The assignment also encouraged us to seek out and incorporate elements not yet covered in the course. Since I am always trying to build my brand and my skills, I wanted to take this opportunity to create an app for my portfolio and showcase both my work and coding knowledge.

Jukebox Assignment
Bops and Ballads by Sabrina Carpenter
Bops and Ballads by Sabrina Carpenter
For this project, we were tasked with creating a jukebox music player using SwiftUI that includes at least one animation and results in a completely original app. I acquired 30-second audio samples from the iTunes library, and created an app where you can listen to bops (upbeat songs) and ballads from the album emails i can't send by Sabrina Carpenter.

Final Project
Hammock Movie Base
Hammock Movie Base
The final project challenged us to create an app that draws upon prior lessons, but also includes something new that we learned on our own. While the project itself was open-ended, the app had to show ambition, champion usability, and ultimately be something that we would be proud to show off to others. With that in mind, I decided to created an app that serves as a movie database where you can search for movies, get information about them, and view corresponding trailers and videos. I named the project "Hammock Movie Base," and the app uses the API from The Movie Database website. I also did some branding and created the logo and color palette for this project.